Thursday, June 16, 2011


One of my greatest joys is traveling. I love all the aspects of travel. Even the busy bustling of a crowded airport excite me. Seeing people, imagining what their story is, which isn't technically stalking, I think. I love the feeling of lifting off the ground in an airplane, sailing into the sky; feeling like you've just been transported into another world. Going through the first layer of clouds and then seeing them underneath you. Mountains of puffy marshmallow surrounded by lit caverns of in between air. The roar of an engine, so loud that you have to turn your iPod ALL the way up. I love this, I crave this.
This summer will be full of travel for me. I just got into Denver for a ceremony thing. And now I'm staying till saturday, only to fly out a few days later to Mississippi for three weeks. After that it will be Kauai, which I'm pretty excited about. And at the end of my frequent-flyer miles craze is Orlando, to look at houses since we'll be moving soon.
I guess to me, traveling isn't only about the destination, but the trip to it. And this is also a great way to look at life. Although this might sound cliche, life is the road we travel, not the place we're going to. And if all you do is focus on deadlines and duties, you won't have the opportunity, let alone the time, to really enjoy life. So take time to build relationships and make memories. Because when you leave this earth, you won't remember that big business deal or the giant promotion, but the people and personal things.
Now, this is not me saying to completely blow off all responsibilities and work. DON'T do that! But in the midst of your crazy schedule, spend some time alone and read a book. Reflect on your day. Go out with friends. Make your life something you want to look back on. Take the road you want to travel.